
Damien O'Kane & Ron Block - Banjophonics

Ajouté le 30/06/2022 - 19:40
Damien O'Kane & Ron Block - Banjophonics

Genre : Blues, Folk

Type : Albums

Nombre de pistes : 13

Label : Pure Records

1. The Taxi Driver / Close Enough (6:14)
2. Happy Chance / Marnie's Melody (4:48)
3. Daisy's Dance (4:25)
4. Happy Little Phoebe / Manny Mountain (4:47)
5. Bide the Night (4:23)
6. The Fiddler's Gun (3:35)
7. Endless Wanderer (3:28)
8. Happy Sevens / Monster Rabbit (4:42)
9. Whirlwind (4:00)
10. EDB & Lady Grey (3:51)
11. Woman of No Place (3:18)
12. Soundcheck Sonics / Andy Brown's (3:42)
13. The Thrify Wife (3:49)

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